The Ordinary Bitter
turned out pretty well. The FG was a little higher than I wanted (1.016). This was completely out of my control because the extract brand/make determines this, not myself. If I would have mashed this, it would have dropped below 1.010, as have most of my previous brews. This was due to low mashing temperatures, and the use of US-05 (previously US-56).
I ended up having to use a packet of US-05, because I did not make a starter on the WLP002. After almost 24 hours, there was little if any airlock activity, so I could not risk things, and pitched the cal ale yeast. I do not think this was a problem, because the yeast is fairly flavorless, and there is also a whole vial of "50/50 alive/dead" WLP002 to add some of the correct flavor in there.
The beer has turned out good. This has to have been my fastest turnaround ever as far as the "boil->bottle->drinking" time is concerned. The whole process was 2 weeks. Not bad in my opinion.
The only thing i wish that could have gone better is the MoreBeer Marris Otter extract finishing out a little drier. I know that US-05 can attenuate 80%, at least... so it is the extract that has the problem.
BTW, the beer tastes great, I carbonated it a 1.3 volumes CO2.
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