Saturday, January 17, 2009

WB-06 vs WLP380 PT II

Ok, a couple of things went wrong with the last batch after stressing the WLP-380 yeast in the starter.

One is that it may have taken on an infection, although it is very difficult to recognize. I say this due to the fact I fermented the thing at around 68 - 70F, which will throw a lot of esters (smells) that I am not used to. My usual fermenting temp is below 64F. It just didn't smell like a 68-70F weissbier, and I am not talking about banana aroma either.

That all being said, the beer tastes fine, and the slightly strange smell goes away within 5 seconds of pouring the beer into the glass. The color is adequate as well.

WLP380 is still my yeast of choice, because given all that, it still made a fine weissbier.