Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Short Lived

...was my brewing haitus... I wanted a low alcohol (session) beer, so I had to come back to brewing. Since I needed to do something easy (because of a lack of supplies), I made an extract batch of Ordinary Bitter. This is Jamil's recipe (converted from All-Grain), and I only made some small modifications to it to accomodate batch size. The original recipe is here. Otherwise, this is a tried and true recipe, and I look forward to drinking it. I hope it ferments quickly.

A note, the OG turned out a little higher than I had wanted... no problem though, I can handle the higher alcohol content. The beer is supposed to be under 3.8% or so. Also, this is scaled down to a 4.5 gallon batch... I could not do 5 gallons (not enough bottles, LOL)

Here it is.

Ordinary Bitter

8-A Standard/Ordinary Bitter

BeerTools Pro Color Graphic

Size: 4.49 gal

Efficiency: ----%

Attenuation: 76.8%

Calories: 138.74 per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.042 (1.032 - 1.040)


Terminal Gravity: 1.010 (1.007 - 1.011)


Color: 14.1 (4.0 - 14.0)


Alcohol: 4.21% (3.2% - 3.8%)


Bitterness: 32.2 (25.0 - 35.0)



5 lbs Liquid Light (English Pale) MoreBeer

.5 lbs Crystal Malt 120°L

.25 lbs Special Roast Malt

0.8 oz East Kent Goldings (5.4%) - added during boil, boiled 60 min

0.5 oz East Kent Goldings (5.4%) - added during boil, boiled 30 min

0.5 oz East Kent Goldings (5.4%) - added during boil, boiled 1 min

1 ea White Labs WLP002 English Ale


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Results generated by BeerTools Pro 1.0.25